Sun Gazing, What?

Sun gazing has been practiced for centuries, and its clear we have a strong relationship with the sun. It is the ultimate energy source here on the planet earth. And with any energy source, moderation is key to a healthy relationship.


As it implies, sun gazing is a form of meditation of starring at the sun directly. There are many ‘wrong’ ways and only a few ‘right’ ways of starring at the sun. The only appropriate times to look directly at the sun are 30 minutes during sunrise and/or 30 minutes before sunset.

To be clear, sunset is when you can no longer see the sun but there is still light. Sunrise is similar and in fact even if you cannot see the sun, early light is very healthy to hormone release particular cortisol.

In general, we want an increase in cortisol production earlier in the day, and we want a decrease of cortisol closer to the end of our day. And of course we want an increase in melatonin production towards the end of our day. Let’s call this rhythm or flow. I think we can all agree that we are most likely at our worst when we are not in rhythm. Therefore, we can think of sun gazing as recalibrating our rhythm or flow.


Some benefits of sun gazing are an increase in vitamin D absorption. increase in serotonin production, improvements of melatonin secretion, alleviation of anxiety & depression and an overall improvement in concentration & focus. Gazing at the sun can also help prevent other eye conditions such as myopia and nearsightedness.

How to Sun Gaze

Prepare your schedule so that you can gaze at the sun for 30 minutes during sunrise and/or 30 minutes before sunset. At these times the sun is less harsh, so starring at the sun is not harmful.

Pick your spot wisely so that you have a direct line to the sun. I enjoy sitting against a tree barefooted. Connecting to the earth is always good for our cells, and even better when sun gazing.

No sunglasses, eyeglasses or contacts as these technologies are commonly made to reduce UVB and filter the sun’s rays.

Start by gazing for a few minutes. You can increase the time by 10 or 15 minutes, but there is no reason to exceed 30 minutes. If its too bright then try changing your angle to the sun.

And finally, breathe. You might be surprised how easy it is to focus on your breath compared to other meditation methods. Even though sun gazing has it’s benefits, nothing compares to the benefits of a long, smooth breath in and out of the nose. This will clear the mind and maximize the benefits of sun gazing not mention the overall practice of meditation.

Video tutorial of this information here!